Putting nature first

We at Océopin are convinced of the importance of sustainable development and maintaining biodiversity. This means that we pay attention every day to the fragile environment of the forest and to protecting local balances.

Taking care of nature and your skin

We owe our very existence to the earth and sand in which pine trees develop their roots. So, from hand-picking maritime pine cones to extracting the oil and packaging it, we are above all motivated to protect the environment. Since the beginning, we have striven to manage natural resources in an innovative, ethical way and have taken active part in preserving the Aquitaine forests, particularly those that are recognised as “exceptional forests”.

Natural and organic

The maritime pine is a tree that only needs sun to grow. Our ambition is simple: to manufacture highly natural and organic cosmetic treatments, made up of a small, basic range of products to suit demanding, fragile and sensitive skin types, which requires the purest of ingredients.


Totally natural, organic products

• Cosmetics that are certified organic by Ecocert Greenlife and Cosmebio, and registered as Vegan products with the Vegan Society

• No parabens, no sulphates, no phenoxyethanol, no silicone, no artificial colouring, no endocrine disruptors, no palm oil, no synthetic ingredients that can irritate the skin

No animal testing, cruelty-free cosmetics

• Totally natural fragrances with no allergens

Manufactured with love in France

Océopin cosmetics from the initial concept to the finished product are made in France. We believe there is no point in travelling to the other side of the world to look for ingredients to take care of your skin, when you can find all you need at home. This is why we lovingly choose the very best local ingredients. Our product line is largely made from powerful, beneficial plants that grow along the French Atlantic coast. Fewer ingredients, but much more benefit. We are also convinced that you only need a few essential products every day to keep your skin beautiful, and that these products will become part of your new classic beauty routine.

Less is more ~ 4 soins visage quotidiens suffisent pour nettoyer, hydrater et repulper sa peau 💫

#oceopin #essentielsbeaute #beautebio #routinevisage
Chez Océopin, on plante aussi la forêt de demain 💚

#oceopin #engagements #foret #pinmaritime #plantation #madeinfrancewithlove
Bon week end ! 
On a hâte que le soleil revienne ☀️

#oceopin #naturelovers #oceanatlantique #madeinfrancewithlove
Nos 4 soins visages essentiels pour commencer l’année en beauté !

#oceopin #soinsvisage #minaudiere
On adore vous parler de notre savoir-faire et de notre passion 🌳
Au fond, c’est toute notre histoire. Depuis le début 💛

#oceopin #savoirfaire #beautebio #cosmetiquebio #pinmaritime #localbrand #notrehistoire
2025 ✨✨
Que cette nouvelle année vous soit douce, inspirante et  iodée !

#oceopin #happynewyear #2025 #oceanatlantique #sudouest
C U E I L L E T T E 🌿

La récolte des pommes de pin est à la source de tous nos soins bio. Elle s’effectue à la main d’octobre à mai dans les pinèdes de Nouvelle Aquitaine.

Un savoir-faire, que m’a appris mon père, en prise directe avec la nature. Un émerveillement chaque année, de récoltes en récoltes. 

Marina ~ cofondatrice d’Océopin

#oceopin #pinmaritime #pommedepin #harvest #recolte #naturelovers
Un baume crémeux, riche en huile de pin maritime, immortelle des dunes, racine d’oyat et algues marines, qui démaquille le visage et les yeux en douceur, laissant la peau souple, fraîche et hydratée. 

Premier geste de beauté, il apaise et restaure les peaux délicates grâce à sa texture bio si onctueuse. Débarrassé des impuretés de la journée et réconforté, l’épiderme s’oxygène à nouveau en retardant le vieillissement cutané. 

Sa formule « baume » qui se transforme en lait au contact de l’eau fait du démaquillage un rituel de bien-être pour la peau 😊

#oceopin #baumenettoyant #beautebio
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